Gosync no file
Gosync no file

gosync no file

The vast majority of business collaboration is free flowing in nature and we need solutions that facilitate teamwork and enhance productivity.


Most of us have desktop backup solutions in place but if your computer dies, how fast can you get back to full productivity? Syncplicity by Axway keeps files synced in real time, so when one computer goes down, you can access your documents on a mobile device or instantly download them to a loaner machine. Protect your desktop documents and never miss a beat You can also track who has downloaded the file and set permissions to ensure that it isn’t forwarded to competitors or other unauthorized users, which is critical for sales contracts, proposals and other sensitive business information. Syncplicity by Axway recently added Secure Shared Links so you can send a file of any size from any shared folder with a simple click. E-mail isn’t meant for sending large files and FTP sites are complicated. Send large files securelyįiles are getting larger-video, CAD and even simple PowerPoints (our keynotes at EMC World were almost 100MB!). Syncplicity by Axway streamlines this process and ensures that everyone’s files are up to date. Traditional portals aren’t good at file distribution while it’s easy to post new versions of documents, users rarely keep current by downloading them, especially if they work from multiple computers and devices. Our customers use it to share everything from product information in the life sciences to standard operating procedures in manufacturing. For example, EMC uses Syncplicity by Axway to distribute presentations, sales training, partner enablement materials, and video assets.

gosync no file


Distribute files to a highly remote workforceįor departments and project teams, the ability to distribute and update files is essential. With Syncplicity by Axway, sharing files is as easy as posting a picture on Facebook, but provides the enterprise-grade security, version tracking, and file backup that people need. Collaboration is a continuous people-driven process, not a technology. It’s not secure, there’s no version control, and it’s difficult to keep track of documents. The most common collaboration system in use today is something that wasn’t built for collaboration at all-e-mail. Read about secure file sharing and content collaboration for users, IT and security here. It provides access to the most recent file versions for all devices, with no extra steps. Syncplicity by Axway provides access to files without having to drag-and-drop them to a special folder or upload them to a service. Sync and share solutions make it easy…but not all of them are easy to use. We depend on more devices than ever, and we need access to files on the go. But it’s not just the sheer size of deployments that amazes me-it’s that file syncing and sharing are fundamentally changing the way large teams and organizations work. With the addition of on-premise storage and many new enterprise features throughout 2013, we’ve seen a major leap in average deployment size with access to files. When we were first acquired Syncplicity by Axway, the user base and average size per account were increasing nicely. Syncplicity by Axway is being deployed in enterprises at a massive scale.

Gosync no file